After spending hours creating the perfect blog post, you want to maximize your efforts by using social media to share your hard work, to those who might be interested in reading it. So picking the best times to push it out onto social media makes sense.
In this post, I provide an easy way to remember when to post on social media for maximum exposure. I’ve collected as much data as I could and made my conclusions to which I am sharing with you.
You will find an easy way to remember when you should post to almost all social media. I’ve detailed a few social media options based on what the majority of my clients use for their business.
When I work with clients, we come up with a content calendar of what to create, when to create it and then when to share it. Content creation is an ongoing process so keep a file of ideas it will come in handy. I also assist clients with choosing the right resources for information. The internet is vast with information and with “experts” so choosing the right sources is important.
Creating online content is also important for email newsletters to continually engage your readers.
I do the work, and you and my clients can benefit. It’s my area of expertise, and I love to do it.
Midweek midday
There it is! Midweek Midday! Across the board that is the best time to post!
Most engagement happens during the day, but if you are wondering if you should post early or late, Don’t! Use that time to live your life.
The consensus on when is the best time and day to post comes from companies like Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Social Media Examiner, Hubspot, Marketo, my client’s data, my experience, and my cousin Eddie is between noon- 4 during the week.
Skip posting early morning or late evening on the weekends. In fact, take the weekends to enjoy life and skip social media altogether, unless of course, you are “jonesing” and you must look at Facebook or post something, do it on Sat or Sunday from 12 pm to 1 pm.
Specifics on posting
Wednesday and Thursday’s are the best days with Thursday being the ultimate for now. 1-2 pm is the exact best time for now. I say FOR NOW, because everything changes! If I see any changes I will let you know, so check back.
These companies have compiled the data to come to the midweek midday conclusion. They look at many factors to get the most accurate data. They also have the volume of website visitors that help them make the distinctions I simplified.
When these companies research the data on the best times, some of the factors that are considered are people on mobile devices, desktop computers, or tablets. Are they at work or home? How are these devices used and at what time? Usage depends heavily on the audience.
On average, the best time to post is 1-4 p.m., when click-through rates have shown to be at their highest.
Specifically, 12-1 p.m. is prime time on Saturday and Sunday.
During the week, the same goes for Wednesday at 3 p.m., as well as Thursday and Friday between 1-4 p.m.
The worst times are weekends before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m.
Detailed information on a select group of social media options.
The Best Times to Post on Facebook
The best times to post on Facebook are Wednesday at noon and 2 p.m. and Thursday at 1 and 2 p.m.
Thursday is the best day to post on Facebook in the week.
The safest times to post include weekdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday has the least amount of engagement for Facebook in the week.
Evenings and early mornings have the least amount of engagement in the day.
To be clear there are several ways to post your content on Facebook. You can add a link on the timeline to a blog post on your website. Facebook is interesting when it comes to posting business info on your business page.
For most, it feels like they don’t want any business info, links, sales, promotion what so ever on the business page- so they show your post it to a few people (the general idea most people have) which confuses everyone because what’s the point of a business page?
Many agree so the workaround is to post it anyways and hope 10 people see it and then add the actual post to the facebook page, in addition to the website. You can put the content in notes. It helps a little.
You can also add a link to your article on an image. People will have to copy and paste the link but at least more people will see the image so that can be helpful! Read Ways you are using Facebook Incorrectly for Business
The Best Times to Post on Instagram:
Instagram is a social media app for use on mobile devices. Half of its U.S. users use the app daily, though it would appear that many engage with content more during off-work hours than during the workday.
In general, the best times to post on Instagram are on Monday and Thursday, at any time other than 3-4 p.m.
The best time to post videos is 9 p.m.-8 a.m., on any day.
Some outlets have reported success on Mondays between 8-9 a.m., correlating with the first-morning commute of the week for many.
The Best Times to Post on LinkedIn.
Roughly 25% of U.S. adults use LinkedIn, mainly for professional purposes, during weekdays and the work hours. It’s used with slightly less frequency than some of the other channels on this list, with more than half of users visiting less than once a week.
Learn about tips for updating your LinkedIn Profile.
LinkedIn is a fantastic option for my clients who are looking to sell their professional skills.
For LinkedIn, aim to post toward the middle of the week, between Tuesday-Thursday.
When aiming for a high clickthrough rate, post on these days during times that correspond with the morning and evening commute — roughly 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 5-6 p.m. — as well as the lunch hour, around 12 p.m. Even more specifically, 7:45 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 12:45 p.m., and 5:45 p.m. Monday to Thursday.
Tuesdays, between 10–11 a.m. have shown a positive performance.
The best time to post on LinkedIn is Wednesday 3 to 5 p.m.
Friday through Monday receive the least amount of engagement.
The Best Time to Post on Google+
People love to debate whether or not Google+ is a social media channel worth investing in. Google says it is especially for quality content. Ok, I’ll go with that considering they have the largest search engine.
If you’re going to use it, do so effectively by posting at the optimal times.
People seem to be most active on Google+ during the start of the workday, between 9-11 a.m.
That’s especially the case on Wednesdays, around 9 a.m.
Some marketers have also seen success during the lunch hour, posting between 12-1 p.m.
Knowing when to post is essential for your business. Your time is limited, and you need every advantage you can get.
If you have the time it’s important to look at the which social media options work best for your product or service. Then you can look at exact times. Before any of this make sure you have the correct message- that is crucial. Then you can jump into all these other details.
If you are focusing on writing content, and picking subjects clients want to read the next step is posting at the right time. Then you can break do all the details but for now, remember stick to the midweek midday posting. Read About Critical Tips to Creating Content
If you don’t want to continually refer to a massive chart of posting days and times all listed with specific industries remember MIDWEEK- MIDDAY.
If you have any questions CALL 720-583-3761 or EMAIL ME

Katie Kukar